Best Sprocket Cover: CRF300L Rally?
The Honda CRF300L and it’s sibling the 300LRally are great little adventure motorcycles, that delivery excellent bang for your dollar. At the uber-affordable MSRP of $6099 for the Rally you can obviously expect to have to upgrade some parts of the bike, so you can hang with your buddies on their full-on big dollar Adventure Bikes. And if you plan on taking the bike off-road then an upgraded sprocket cover should be on your list.
The CRF300 looks neat and tidy from the factory, but that’s a problem when you venture off-road and have to deal with mud build up.
This sprocket cover is going to pack up with mud and accelerate wear and tear on your chain and sporocket.
Aftermarket sprocket covers are much more open and allow the mud to escape, which is a good thing.
The first step in this simple installation is to remove the two 8mm bolts that hold the stock cover in place.
The stock cover has a “Case Saver” pressed onto to small plastic posts. You will want to retain this steel case saver to protect the engine from damage should the chain ever break.
Removing the case saver requires a screw driver to pry it loose from the cover.
The case saver comes off with a moderate amount of twisting.
The case saver can only go back on in one direction, so happily, there is no chance you will get this backwards.
With the JFG sprocket cover, you will want to put the case saver on the bike before positioning the new cover.
The included black alloy spacers are tapered at one end which allows them to seat inside the sprocket cover itself for a secure fit. You will need an 8mm wrench for the extra long bolts in this kit.
The result is a cover that is flush with the frame, and there by flush with your boot. And therein lies the Rub…pun intended.
The JFG Sprocket Cover looks good but stands out from the sprocket by over one inch. While this looks good, it places this cover next to your riding boots. That means dirt and mud will be rubbing that sparkleing new red anodized finish into a nasty mess of scraps and scratches in no time.
What now?…Zeta Drive Cover to the rescue! This cover has spacers that are half as long and is shaped to tuck in around all the important bits for extra protection for the wires in the vacinity and longevity of that nice red finish.
When installing the Zeta cover, thanks to the fixed spacers, you can add the case saver to the back of the cover before puting the cover on the bike, making the install a little bit simpler.
Some thread locker should be applied to all fasteners, and your 8mm will do the trick to tighten everything down.
The result looks well thought out. There is protection for the wires and your boots, but the cover is now tucked well inside the frame to reduce premature wear.
There is still a good amount of space for mud and debris to be evacuated from behind the cover.
The Zeta drive cover is twice the price of the JFG cover, but worth every penny. This is the one to get if you are looking to upgrade your CRF300L or Rally.
You can never have too much bling, and this little piece of eye candy is supremely functional.
300Rally Sprocket Guards
Hopefully these insights are helpful for you. Good luck with your mods and upgrades.
Questions, comments or feedback?
Hop over to my youtube channel to get the full video walk through.
You can find these Sprocket Covers at a variety of retailers, here are a couple links:
Please note that I did not receive any financial or product support from any of the manufacturers or retailers mentioned above.