CRF300L Rally Side Racks Install
The CRF300 Rally is a great choice for serious adventure travel provided you make a few modifications and upgrades in preparation. One mandatory mod is setting the bike up to carry all your clothes, food, and camping gear. Full-size side racks are the best way to maximize your luggage carrying capacity. Here is a quick How-To on just that kind of set up, Below I’m using Outback Motortek side racks for the 300L and 300 Rally. These racks are mild steel so they are easily repaired if needed. Beware of stainless steel, which looks great until you have to try to bend it back after a fall. During this install, there was just a little surprise along the way. Removing the left side passenger peg proved to be a little less straightforward than the install video made it seam. So with that I’ve included the details below and also posted a compete installation video on YouTube, for further clarity.
You can find these racks and the optional X-Frame at the Mosko Moto site Here
Please note that I did not receive any financial or product support from any of the manufacturers or retailers mentioned above.